By policy, Management of Laurels & Garland provides to Parent of enrolled children written information of Parent Visitation Rights and other childcare matters and by incorporating the required information in its own handout, brochures, or other informative materials. In keeping with this requirement, the Center must secure every Parent’s signature attesting to his/her receipt of the information.
Our Center is required by the State Childcare Licensing Law to be licensed by the Bureau of Licensing of the Ghana Education Service Child Development Division. A copy of our current license is posted in a prominent location at our center. Look for it when you are in the Center.
To be licensed, our Center complied with the Manual of Requirements for Childcare Centers (the official licensing regulations). The regulations cover such areas as: Physical Environment/Safety; Staff Qualifications and Supervision; Program Activities and Equipment; Health, Food and Nutrition; Parent and/or Community Participation; Administration and Record Keeping Requirements.
Our Center must have on the premises a copy of the Manual of Requirements for Child Centers and make it available to interested Parents for review. If you would like to review our copy, please inquire. We encourage Parents to discuss with us any questions about the policies and programs of the Center. We will be happy to arrange an opportunity for you to review and discuss these matters with us.
Our Center has a policy concerning the Release of Children to people authorized by the Parent(s) to be responsible for the child.
We also have a policy about Dispensing Medication and the Management of Communicable Diseases.
Parents are entitled to review the Center’s copy of the Bureau of Licensing’s Inspection violation Reports on the Center, which are issued after every State Licensing inspection at our Center. If there is a complaint investigation, you are also entitled to review the Bureau’s Complaint Investigation Summary Report, as well as any letters of enforcement or other actions against the Center during the current licensing period. Let us know if you wish to review them and we will make them available for your examination.
Please talk to us if you have any questions about the center’s physical layout.
Our Center offers Parents of enrolled children ample opportunity to participate in and observe the activities of the Center. Parents wishing to participate in the activities or operations of the Center should discuss their interest with the Center’s Chief Administrator. Parents of enrolled children may visit our Center at any time without having to secure prior approval from the staff members. Please feel free to do so when you can.
Our Center will inform Parents in advance of every field trip, outing or special event away from the Center, and will obtain prior written consent from the Parents before taking a child on such a trip.